
Copyright (C) 2008-2021 Oliver Bohlen.

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Howto: Horde Groupware Webmail for Gentoo Linux

This is a short Howto/Example how I set up my Horde with its applications like Webmail, Groupware, PGP (GnuPG), Sieve filters, LDAP Auth,...
Here are some commands for installing Horde 4 over PEAR.

# Set your paths

rm /usr/bin/phpize
ln -s /usr/lib/php*/bin/phpize /usr/bin/phpize

mkdir -p $PEARDIR/pear
mkdir -p $WEBDIR
pear config-create $PEARDIR $PEARDIR/pear.conf
pear -c $PEARDIR/pear.conf install pear

$PEARDIR/pear/pear -c $PEARDIR/pear.conf channel-discover
$PEARDIR/pear/pear -c $PEARDIR/pear.conf install horde/horde_role
$PEARDIR/pear/pear -c $PEARDIR/pear.conf install run-scripts horde/Horde_Role

$PEARDIR/pear/pear -c $PEARDIR/pear.conf install -a -B horde/imp
$PEARDIR/pear/pear -c $PEARDIR/pear.conf install -a -B horde/kronolith
$PEARDIR/pear/pear -c $PEARDIR/pear.conf install -a -B horde/ingo
$PEARDIR/pear/pear -c $PEARDIR/pear.conf install -a -B horde/nag
$PEARDIR/pear/pear -c $PEARDIR/pear.conf install -a -B horde/turba
$PEARDIR/pear/pear -c $PEARDIR/pear.conf install -a -B horde/mnemo
$PEARDIR/pear/pear -c $PEARDIR/pear.conf install -a -B horde/passwd
$PEARDIR/pear/pear -c $PEARDIR/pear.conf install -a -B horde/gollem
$PEARDIR/pear/pear -c $PEARDIR/pear.conf install -a -B horde/wicked

chown -R root:root $BASEDIR
find $BASEDIR -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;
find $BASEDIR -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;
chown apache:root $WEBDIR/static
chown apache:root $WEBDIR/config
chown apache:root $WEBDIR/*/config

After these steps you should be able to open your Horde installation into your Webbrowser and create the basic configurations.
Do this in the left menu under "Administration" -> "Configuration"
After that you can follow up with the configuration of the configfiles in the config-directories you see below.

Here some steps for upgrading your Horde:
# Set yout paths

rm /usr/bin/phpize
ln -s /usr/lib/php*/bin/phpize /usr/bin/phpize
chmod 755 $PEARDIR/pear/pear
$PEARDIR/pear/pear -c $PEARDIR/pear.conf upgrade -a -B -c horde

chown -R root:root $BASEDIR
find $BASEDIR -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;
find $BASEDIR -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;
chown apache:root $WEBDIR/static
chown apache:root $WEBDIR/config
chown apache:root $WEBDIR/*/config

If you want to use this solution you need the following howto(s) finished:

Changes in /usr/local/sbin/

File permissions:
Owner: root
Group: root
Permissions: -rwxr-xr-x

Click here for a download of the complete file: /usr/local/sbin/

Changed on 04.10.11
Issued by olli
Beginning line 2

This is an optional script for syncing/copying a Horde-Installation into an new path. E.g. for moving a test Horde into production.


# Set paths

set -x


mkdir -p /var/www/
rsync -av --delete --exclude=.gtc-crypt $TESTWEBDIR/ $WEBDIR/

# Set pear config
rm -f $PEARDIR/pear.conf
pear -c $PEARDIR/pear.conf config-set bin_dir /var/www/
pear -c $PEARDIR/pear.conf config-set doc_dir /var/www/
pear -c $PEARDIR/pear.conf config-set ext_dir /var/www/
pear -c $PEARDIR/pear.conf config-set php_dir /var/www/
pear -c $PEARDIR/pear.conf config-set cache_dir /var/www/
pear -c $PEARDIR/pear.conf config-set cfg_dir /var/www/
pear -c $PEARDIR/pear.conf config-set data_dir /var/www/
pear -c $PEARDIR/pear.conf config-set download_dir /var/www/
pear -c $PEARDIR/pear.conf config-set temp_dir /var/www/
pear -c $PEARDIR/pear.conf config-set test_dir /var/www/
pear -c $PEARDIR/pear.conf config-set www_dir /var/www/
pear -c $PEARDIR/pear.conf config-set horde_dir /var/www/

# Horde-Config
# DB
sed -e 's/hordetest/horde/g' -i $WEBDIR/config/conf.php
sed -e 's/horde-test/horde/g' -i $WEBDIR/config/conf.php
sed -e 's/DEBUG/INFO/g' -i $WEBDIR/config/conf.php

# Set some rights
echo "Setting File rights"
chown -R root:root $BASEDIR
find $BASEDIR -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;
find $BASEDIR -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;
chown -R horde:root $WEBDIR/static
chown -R horde. /var/www/
chown horde. /var/www/
#chown -R horde:root $WEBDIR/config
#chown -R horde:root $WEBDIR/*/config

# Clean up Pear Registry with correct paths
cd $PEARDIR/pear/php/.registry
ls -1 | while read file
 echo "Cleaning up $file (horde-test -> horde)"
 cat "$file" | perl -pe 's/\n/OOXXOO/; s/(s\:[0-9]+\:)/\n$1/g' | while read line
  if echo $line | grep -q horde-test
   line=`echo $line | perl -pe 's/horde-test/horde/'`
   chars=`echo $line | cut -d'"' -f2 | wc -m`
   let chars--
   line=`echo $line | perl -pe "s/\:[0-9]+\:/:$chars:/;"`
  echo -n $line | perl -pe 's/OOXXOO/\n/g;'
 done >/tmp/nfile
 cat /tmp/nfile >"$file"
cd -

# Change paths in some pear files
for i in `grep -r horde-test $PEARDIR | cut -d: -f1`
 echo "Changing horde-test to horde in $i"
 sed -e 's/horde-test/horde/g' -i $i

# DB Update
cat /var/www/ >/etc/pear.conf
echo 'include_path="$include_path:/var/www/"' >/etc/php/cli-php7.3/ext-active/horde-cli.ini
chmod 644 /etc/php/cli-php7.3/ext-active/horde-cli.ini
su - horde -c "/usr/bin/php $PEARDIR/pear/horde-db-migrate"

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