Copyright (C) 2008-2021 Oliver Bohlen.
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Here a little description how you can create Mailinglists in an easy way.
You have to insert the specific lines into your Webserver configuration for easy Web-Administration. See the Webserver topic for this.
After installing MailMan you have to create an admin password with
usermod -G cron,mailman,nobody mailman
/usr/lib/mailman/bin/check_perms -f
su - mailman -c 'crontab cron/'
/usr/lib/mailman/bin/newlist mailman
/usr/lib/mailman/bin/config_list -i /var/lib/mailman/data/sitelist.cfg mailman
If you want to use this solution you need the following howto(s) finished:
emerge net-mail/mailman
File permissions:
Owner: mailman
Group: mailman
Permissions: -rw-r--r--
Click here for a download of the complete file: /etc/mailman/
Changed on 18.03.09Some Settings for MailMan environment
MTA = 'Postfix' DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST = '' DEFAULT_URL_HOST = '' DEFAULT_URL_PATTERN = 'https://%s/mailman/' add_virtualhost('') POSTFIX_STYLE_VIRTUAL_DOMAINS = [''] DEFAULT_ARCHIVE_PRIVATE = 1 DEFAULT_CHARSET = 'UTF-8' add_language('de', 'Deutsch', 'utf-8')
File permissions:
Owner: root
Group: root
Permissions: -rwxr-xr-x
Click here for a download of the complete file: /etc/profile.d/
Changed on 09.06.10Add the bin-path of the mailman-progs to the default path-variable
File permissions:
Owner: root
Group: root
Permissions: -rwx------
Click here for a download of the complete file: /usr/local/sbin/
Changed on 17.11.2014Script for syncing LDAP-Groups with Mailinglists
#!/bin/bash rm -f /tmp/liste-* getent group | grep "^maillist-" >/tmp/maillists cat /tmp/maillists | while read line do list=`echo $line | cut -d: -f1 | perl -pe 's/^maillist-//'` # Erstelle liste falls nicht vorhanden... if list_lists | grep -iq $list then echo "Liste $list existiert" >/dev/null else echo "Erstelle Liste $list" newlist -u -l de -q $list `gtc-crypt -a mailman -p` config_list -i /etc/mailman/defaultlistconfig $list fi # Pflege User list_members $list >/tmp/maillistmembers for i in `cat /tmp/maillistmembers` do echo whitelist_from done cat /etc/spamassassin/maillist-whitelist | sort -u >/tmp/maillist-whitelist cat /tmp/maillist-whitelist >/etc/spamassassin/maillist-whitelist # User aufnehmen for user in `echo $line | cut -d: -f4 | perl -pe 's/\,/ /g' ; cat /root/maillist-nongabosh-$list 2>/dev/null` do if grep -qi "^$user" /tmp/maillistmembers then echo "User $user ist in der Liste $list" >/dev/null else echo "User $user wird in die Liste $list aufgenommen" echo $user | grep -q '@' || user="$" echo "$user" >/tmp/maillistnew add_members -r /tmp/maillistnew -a y $list fi done # User rauswerfen for user in `cat /tmp/maillistmembers | perl -pe 's/\$//'` do if echo $line | cut -d: -f4 | grep -qi "$user" then echo "User $user ist in der Liste $list" >/dev/null elif cat /root/maillist-nongabosh-$list 2>/dev/null | grep -qi "$user" then echo "User $user ist in der Liste $list" >/dev/null else echo $user | grep -q '@' || user="$" echo "User $user wird aus der Liste $list gelöscht" remove_members -n $list $user fi done # Alle Nicht erlauben an Mailingliste zu senden (nicht lesen) echo -n "accept_these_nonmembers = [ '', " >/tmp/maillistsendok for mail in `cat /etc/spamassassin/* 2>/dev/null | egrep "^whitelist_from do echo -n " '$mail'," >>/tmp/maillistsendok done echo -n ' ]' >>/tmp/maillistsendok config_list -i /tmp/maillistsendok $list done # Aufräumen #rm -f /tmp/maillists /tmp/maillistmembers /tmp/maillistnew
File permissions:
Owner: mailman
Group: root
Permissions: -rwx------
Click here for a download of the complete file: /usr/local/sbin/
Changed on 17.11.2014Script for syncing LDAP-Groups with Mailinglists
#!/bin/bash if ! whoami | grep -q mailman then echo "Dieses Skript muss als mailman-User ausgeführt werden" exit 1 fi rm -f /tmp/liste-* getent group | grep "^maillist-" | perl -pe 's/$/,root,admin/' >/tmp/maillists cat /tmp/maillists | while read line do list=`echo $line | cut -d: -f1 | perl -pe 's/^maillist-//'` # Erstelle liste falls nicht vorhanden... if mailman lists -q | grep -iq $list then echo "Liste $list existiert" >/dev/null else echo "Erstelle Liste $list" mailman create --language de -o ${list} #config_list -i /etc/mailman/defaultlistconfig $list fi # Pflege User mailman members -e ${list} | grep '@' >/tmp/maillistmembers for i in `cat /tmp/maillistmembers` do echo whitelist_from done cat /etc/spamassassin/maillist-whitelist | sort -u >/tmp/maillist-whitelist cat /tmp/maillist-whitelist >/etc/spamassassin/maillist-whitelist # User aufnehmen for user in `echo $line | cut -d: -f4 | perl -pe 's/\,/ /g' ; cat ~/maillist-nongabosh-$list 2>/dev/null` do if grep -qi "^$user" /tmp/maillistmembers then echo "User $user ist in der Liste $list" >/dev/null else echo "User $user wird in die Liste $list aufgenommen" echo $user | grep -q '@' || user="$" echo "$user" >/tmp/maillistnew mailman addmembers -W /tmp/maillistnew ${list} fi done # User rauswerfen for user in `cat /tmp/maillistmembers | perl -pe 's/\$//'` do if echo $line | cut -d: -f4 | egrep -qi "$user" then echo "User $user ist in der Liste $list" >/dev/null elif cat ~/maillist-nongabosh-$list 2>/dev/null | egrep -qi "$user" then echo "User $user ist in der Liste $list" >/dev/null else echo $user | grep -q '@' || user="$" echo "User $user wird aus der Liste $list gelöscht" mailman delmembers -G -m $user -l ${list} fi done # Alle Nicht erlauben an Mailingliste zu senden (nicht lesen) # echo -n "accept_these_nonmembers = [ '', " >/tmp/maillistsendok # for mail in `cat /etc/spamassassin/* 2>/dev/null | egrep "^whitelist_from # do # echo -n " '$mail'," >>/tmp/maillistsendok # done # echo -n ' ]' >>/tmp/maillistsendok # config_list -i /tmp/maillistsendok $list done # Aufräumen #rm -f /tmp/maillists /tmp/maillistmembers /tmp/maillistnew
For starting the new service after system reboot you should add it to a runlevel with the following command(s):
rc-update add mailman
Please send a feedback to: doc<at>
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